Exercises and material
Exercises and material
With the training program THE MIND READERS you support deaf and hard of hearing children and young people in their development of Theory of Mind.
The training program comprises 9 modules focusing on Theory of Mind and the additional module “Language” on the associated linguistic competence. In each module, you find several exercises with material in spoken/written and sign language. You can choose the exercises which best fit your students’ needs, age and interests.
In the toolbox, you can find information about deaf and hard of hearing children’s development in Theory of Mind as well as instructions and important hints on how to promote it by the MIND READERS.
In the manual, these instructions and hints are summarized again for downloading.
The checklist gives you an overview of the learning objectives of each module and helps to assess the students’ competences. Start with the module that meets the needs of your students.
Recognition of Emotions
Overall learning objective
The students recognize and name emotions on the basis of expressive cues.
The students are able to: | Beginners | Advanced |
show basic emotions with their facial expression and their gesture and recognize basic emotions in the facial expression and gestures of other people. | 1.1
1.2 |
name basic emotions in relation to different situations. | 1.7 | 1.8 |
In Module 1, the recognition and naming of feelings as well as differentiation among feelings is practiced and the use of corresponding vocabulary in spoken and/or sign language is developed.
External Causes
Overall learning objective
The students identify external causes as reason for emotions.
The students are able to: | beginners | advanced |
recognize and name emotions of other people caused by a specific situation. | 2.1 | 2.3 |
In Module 2, the students learn that external circumstances can trigger feelings. The exercises provide you with an excellent opportunity to help students talking about causes and effects.
Overall learning objective
The students understand that memories of past experiences affect emotions.
The students are able to: |
beginners | advanced |
understand that elements of a present situation (e.g. looking at photos or a specific smell) can serve as reminders for former experiences/situations. | 3.1
3.3 |
remember and name emotions that they experienced in former situations and understand that memories of past experiences can cause the same emotions in the present situation. | 3.2 | |
understand that the intensity of an emotion linked to a former situation can decrease with time. | 3.5 |
Module 3 is used to understand that memories can also trigger feelings.
Overall learning objective
The students know that people’s emotional reactions depend on their desires and understand that two people may feel a different emotion about the same situation because they have different desires.
The students are able to: | beginners | advanced |
express their own desire and understand that people have different desires. | 4.1 | 4.3 |
understand that desires can cause emotions and that two people may feel a different emotion about the same situation because they have different desires. | 4.4 | 4.6 |
understand that people’s desires can guide their actions. | 4.5 |
In Module 4, the students first learn to recognize and name their own desires and to understand that people can have different desires. Building on this, the students learn that the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of wishes can trigger feelings and reactions of people.
Overall learning objective
The students know that person´s beliefs, whether false or true, will determine his or her reaction and/or emotional response to a situation.
The students are able to: | beginners | advanced |
understand, that people can have different beliefs. | 5.1
5.3 |
understand, that people can have different access to knowledge. | 5.2 | |
understand, that people can have false beliefs, because of their previous knowledge and information that is accessible to them. | 5.4 | 5.5 |
understand that a person’s belief (false or true) will determine his or her reaction and/or emotional response to a situation. | 5.6 | 5.7 |
Module 5 promotes several developmental steps that build on each other, one after the other: First, students need to understand that people’s beliefs can differ. In a second step, they realize that this is because people can have different access to information. In a third step, they learn that people can also have false beliefs.
Hiding Emotions
Overall learning objective
The students know that there can be a discrepancy between emotions felt on the inside and emotions shown on the outside and that people can hide their inner feelings on purpose.
The students are able to: | beginners | Advanced |
understand that there can be a discrepancy between emotions felt on the inside and emotions shown on the outside and understand that people can hide their feelings. | 6.1 | 6.2 |
put on different outward expressions to hide the actual felt emotion for different purposes and reasons and that in some situations it is good to “clear the air” and in other situation it is good to hide the emotions. | 6.3 | 6.4 |
realize that people can hide not only their emotions but their thoughts and beliefs by showing a behavior that is different from their inner state. |
In Module 6, students realize that people can hide their feelings.
Regulation of Emotions
Overall learning objectives
The students know that listening to their own emotions can help them navigate through life. However, if emotions have a negative impact on themselves or on others, it is helpful to control their own emotions. They know that they can regulate their own emotions by different strategies.
The students are able to: | Beginners | Advanced |
understand that it is important to recognise their own emotions and that emotions can sometimes trigger actions that can have negative impact on themselves and others. | 7.1
understand that it is important to control negative emotions in order to reduce the negative impact of them towards themselves and others. | 7.2 | |
acknowledge strategies to control emotions and can judge which are more effective. | 7.3 |
In Module 7, students learn different strategies to deal with their own feelings.
Mixed Emotions
Overall learning objective
The students know that a person may have mixed / multiple or even contradictory emotional responses in a given situation.
The students are able to: | Beginners | Advanced |
distinguish and name two emotions that can co-occur in one situation and simultaneously felt by one person (multiple/mixed emotions). | 8.1 | 8.2 |
recognize that some of these multiple/mixed emotions can be contradictory. | 8.3 | 8.4 |
Module 8 teaches that people can have several feelings at the same time.
Overall learning objective
The students understand that negative feelings ensue from a morally reprehensible action and that positive feelings ensue from a morally praiseworthy action.
The students are able to: | beginners | Advanced |
understand the concept of normative rules. | 9.1 |
understand the concept of moral and apply some basic moral principles and understand that behavior which is morally reprehensible can evoke negative feelings and that positive feelings arise due to morally praiseworthy actions. | 9.2 | 9.4
apply advanced moral principles and understand moral reasoning, moral judgment, and emotion attribution. | 9.3 | |
recognize moral dilemmas, realize that in these situations there are different options for action, assess a social situation, by taking into account the others’ intentions and emotions. | 9.6 |
In Module 9, students reflect on the influence of moral values on their own and other people’s feelings.
Overall learning objective
The students master different words/signs for emotions and mental states and can produce complex sentences with verbs of saying, thinking and wishing.
The students are able to: | Beginners | advanced |
use a broad vocabulary of different words and/or signs to describe inner states and feelings. | L.1 | L.2 L.3 |
master complex sentences with verbs for saying, thinking and wishing | L.4_BSL | L.5_BSL |
In Module Language, you will find in-depth exercises for vocabulary on feelings and mental concepts as well as exercises on complex sentences with verbs of saying, thinking and wishing. The Module contains exercises in English as well as in British Sign Language.
You can do these exercises in the course of the training to consolidate the language competences and to reflect on them with the students.